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Add private 1hr Profit & Wealth  Strategy Call

Special discounted offer, only £197
In this one hr call you'll get the opportunity to map with Dominique, your profit strategy in alignment with your new pricing to maximise revenue and profit opportunities within your business and to help achieve your personal financial goals.

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Price to Profit£47

  • Total payment
  • 1xPrice to Profit£47

All prices in GBP

The Art of Women Undercharging Workshop and Workbook

Understanding Pricing Strategies for your Business Workshop and Workbook

Pricing your Products - Toolkit including calculators to ensure you are charging correctly to maximise revenue and profit opportunities.

BONUS - The Wealthy Woman Audio to help rewire your unconscious mind for Financial Abundance

BONUS - Successful Selling Sales Script - Use this sales script and framework to help you with the confidently navigate your sales

In just one session Dominique found my financial gaps and challenged me on my pricing. It means increasing profitability by 10% over the next 4 months and that's huge for the bottom line in my business. In addition she's challenged my 'new business' approach and broke it down where I'm missing out on extra income. This in itself has been an eye opener - seeing figures in black and white does that to you :) She's been an extra pair of (very shrewd if I may say) eyes on my business that I very much needed. If you're wondering if the session is really worth the investment, I'll say this: it paid back for itself 3 times over within first few days!

Aleksandra Certa
FB Ad's Strategist

The price to profit toolkit includes everything you need to take your business to a new level of profit. It has allowed me to understand exactly what I need to do in my business to achieve the financial goals that will provide for me and my family. In doing this course it has allowed me to increase the price of one of my packages by 20%. It is now clear that it is essential for this area of my business to thrive.

Angela Corley
Business Breakthrough Specialist

The Price To Profit Toolkit is just what I needed to work out which products and services were the most profitable for my business and not just financially but which ones were taking up most of my time which I didn't realise and was basing all my focus.

It has also given me that push I needed to focus more on passive/semi passive income streams which take a whole less time and energy compared to services such as 1-2-1 and could bring in just as much financially - which was a real eye opener after seeing it broken down on the Price to Profit Toolkit.

After breaking down my 1-2-1 services with the amount of work that is involved in the back end, I have increased my prices by 20% and realise that I am doing a LOT of the work myself and need to outsource more :-) - Thank you Dominique!

Natalie Kerr
OBM & Mindset & Business Coach
